International Journal of Emerging Trends in Information & Knowledge Management (Online ISSN: 2581-3579) 2024-05-13T10:26:37+00:00 Eureka Journals Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">International Journal of Emerging Trends in Information &amp; Knowledge Management (IJETIKM) is a peer-reviewed refereed journal with&nbsp;ISSN: 2581-3579.&nbsp;Published articles&nbsp;include original research work, recent surveys, reviews, recent trends, and innovations in the field of information and&nbsp;knowledge management&nbsp;around the world. The journal focuses on a fast and rigorous review process to ensure the accuracy, relevancy, and originality of the submitted manuscript. Conference papers are also published provided they meet the journal's review criteria.</p> Importance of Education in Countering Global Radicalism and Terrorism 2024-01-15T10:35:33+00:00 Dr. Ajay Krishna Tiwari <p>This research article has been written to analyse the rise of terrorism and religious radicalization on the world stage in the present context. Efforts to counter violent radicalization in Europe have been documented in official documents since 2005, with updates in 2008 and 2014 and 2020 (European Commission, 2020). European countries have successively introduced measures to promote the assimilation of not only immigrant populations, but also refugees and asylum seekers (Eurydice, 2019). This objective is in line with the objective of the Council of Europe, which was originally set out to promote European identity with the aim of establishing greater unity between states and protecting fundamental freedoms and human rights (Council of Europe, 1949). That is why Europe is facing important challenges. The lack of trust in political processes, the political apathy of citizens, and the rise in violent extremism are among the most serious threats to civil liberties and the values of tolerance that lie at its core. The 9/11 terrorist attacks were a defining moment in America. Since then, Europe has regarded the terrorist threat as a threat. Europe has also become a place where radicalization and terrorist recruitment have flourished, and where the number of radicalized individuals has increased. However, they are associated with many of the characteristics of jihad, such as Islamic jihad culture, socio-economic deprivation and radicalization and cultural alienation. Terrorist attacks have caused social upheaval, provoked a sharp reaction in the media and threaten traditional European values. Most terrorist attacks have been carried out by so-called "domestic fighters" influenced by the rhetoric of domestic jihadism. They are predominantly second or third generation European citizens of Muslim immigrants who were born and raised in Europe.</p> Is there a Connection between Knowledge (Epistemology), Reality (Ontology) and Leadership? 2024-03-28T06:06:07+00:00 Paul Andrew Bourne Clifton Foster <p>Examining the literature on philosophy, including the works of Plato and Buddha, we see that the body of knowledge of philosophy has experienced exponential growth, radicalisation, and transition from early theorisations. Philosophical perspectives have seeped into many other disciplines and influenced all facets of the academic landscape. Philosophy has subtly found its way into religion, health and nutrition, spirituality, mathematics, family life, demography, sociology and medicine, politics, and Education. To grasp why philosophy has seeped into the consciousness of all facets of human reality, a review of something Knight postulated put the pieces together: philosophy is " …examining, synthesising, analysing, speculating, prescribing and evaluating" information and their values and beliefs" (Knight, 2006, p. 5).The study of philosophy has guided man in his limited quest for knowledge, and yet the ultimate knowledge is simple: God. This ultimate God is so complex that humans have missed it for materialism. Why do we say this? Because man wants to create his intellectualisation of what is or what he thinks is and boast of their accomplishment, they have circumvented seeking God as the primary vehicle for understanding life. Historically, humans have intellectualised much to recognise it as a fallacy. The world was flat and a truth; the educational system taught and supported this philosophy to unearth whether this was a myth or wrong. Historically, there have been many, including the works of Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and the sound barrier.Leadership is only a subset of an individual's philosophy, which frames their reality, interprets what and accounts for one's reality, how knowledge is attained, and values in leadership discourse.</p> Relevance of Application of Educational Engineering Based on Designing New Educational Systems 2024-05-13T10:26:37+00:00 Dr. Ajay Krishna Tiwari <p>Confirming the urgency of the problem identified in the title of this research article, first of all, let us proceed from the understanding of educational engineering. Providing commercial consultancy services on a commercial basis as a field is therefore considered as an educational engineering for such services. Issues related to processing activities, construction of industrial facilities, infrastructure etc. Thus, engineering demands appear as socially significant branches of educational activity, not less in educational demand in modern conditions, but mastered as a phenomenon, the field of educational engineering, which in principle is understood as a result of artificial. The intersection of academic esotericism related to such branches of modern knowledge as the application of scientific and technological (engineering), educational (academic) and managerial (managerial) appears as a construct. Therefore, the essence and content of educational engineering is determined by both considering the origins of its occurrence. So, it turns out that educational engineering is a subject of research within the problem area of our article.</p>